Holistic Medicine
What Holistic Healing Means:
It is true that our pains and other physical discomforts demand our attention. It is difficult to ignore the obvious when we are physically hurting. Common sense tells us that we should seek help to alleviate our discomforts. Holistic healing is not an “alternative” to conventional medical care but an adjunct with Dr Roy.Sometimes going to a medical professional is the best solution to addressing a “dis”-“ease”, but preventing its recurrence needs more than just medications.
Physical illnesses are the symptoms of a greater imbalance that may or may not have a root cause in the physical.
Holistic or “wholistic” healing addresses all parts of the individual, not just the physical aspect of a person where manifested illnesses are most apparent. Holistic healing is not intended to serve as a band-aid or a onetime fix. It is an ongoing journey of discovery in search of more answers and ultimately; living better, being healthier, and for wellness.
Holistic Healing Goes Beyond the Mind-Body Connection:
A person who embraces the desire to find wholeness within his own being soon learns the importance of tending to relationships, caring for our environments, being compassionate, and accepting differences among a diverse population of people.
Dr Roy as a Holistic Healer:
Dr Roy looks at the "whole person" in order to make his complete evaluation and uses all information gathered before suggesting treatments to his patients.
Dr. Roy has always maintained respect for other forms of healing besides mainstream Westernized medicine. He realizes the role of food as medicine and lifestyle habits in moulding one's health. He provides preventive guidance along with therapeutic treatments to his patients.
If you wish to experience health the Natural Holistic way please talk to Dr. Roy during your next visit or give us a quick call